It’s ok to not be ok while learning!
Usually, learners who start learning Italian for the first time and are at the very beginning will say:
“I am sorry, I did a mistake!”
“I can’t do it!”
“I am bad, I don’t remember this word!”
Often, when we learn something new, we feel overwhelmed, powerless, the energy is low, we get demotivated, above all if we learn something after a long and hard day at work!
It is difficult! And it’s perfectly ok
Here some tips to empower your learning experience and accept your emotions. In this infographic there are the usual steps that I do as a Neuro Language Coach during my sessions, when a client feel overwhelm and guilty when does mistakes. These steps help to learn faster and more efficient. After them, my learner will feel more motivated, powerful and ready to embrace the challenge of a new hard and very difficult grammar topic with Italian language.
The first step to understand is awareness.
You don’t understand one thing?
You don’t remember a word?
The emotion of being ashamed, guilty because you didn’t study enough is rising. Embrace it and be aware it’s present!
The second step to understand is look for connection.
Ask for help to assemble the puzzle.
What is wrong?
What do you need?
How can the people around you (your Coach and your team mates) help you?
The third step to put in action is ask the right questions
What you can do now that you couldn’t do before?
Watch the facts.
What are your results and your improvements since when you start the learning process?
The fourth step to face is the challenge
How can you improve?
Considering your results and the fact you want them to be different, how can you change them?
The fifth step to execute is to give yourself compassion
It’s never easy to learn something you and it’s totally ok to not be ok!
It’s ok if you are not perfect!
It’s ok that you didn’t answer a question first!
It’s ok that you don’t understand everything!
Remember always that your Coach:
❣ will be there for you
❣ will be proud of you
❣ will believe in you